I've modified the version above to run for all tables and support new SQL 2005 data types. It also retains the primary key names. Works only on SQL 2005 ... ... <看更多>
I've modified the version above to run for all tables and support new SQL 2005 data types. It also retains the primary key names. Works only on SQL 2005 ... ... <看更多>
... <看更多>
--Q1: Create the tables. --(with the most appropriate/economic field/column constraints & types). -- and add at least 10 records into each created table. ... <看更多>
databases SELECT @sql += N' INSERT #tmp SELECT ' + @cols + ' FROM ' + QUOTENAME(db) + '.dbo.tablename;' FROM @dbs; SET @sql += N' SELECT ' + @ ... ... <看更多>
使用SQL Server Management Studio 管理介面操作執行T-SQL 指令(使用DDL 提供的 ... Security:開始建立前先檢查是否有CREATE TABLE 及ALTER 的權限 ... ... <看更多>